-Siren-chan- OH!! *goes to look* And the Jenovaism videos are gone!! DX
-Siren-chan- How are ya doing? No, I haven't seen it yet. Wait, is it hidden?! *searches post*
Siren-chan~!!! *tackleglomps*
Those were awesome. *burns YouTube*
Waaaait. Were they like, Jenovaism and stuff like that? Probably not..
NO WAI~!!! *dies*
I really like both of them. I can't choose between the two. ^^;
Well that's good, I'm glad ^.^
I didn't see them either...
Orange looks good on ya~!
*hugs* So, did you have a great birthday?
The Anthem - Good Charlotte
*just lost 1000 interweb points* AERITH~!!! COME UP HERE~!!!!!
-KXR- How's that coming along? -Dark- I do have a Roy blanket, but I like Ed x3
-KXR- I was kinda wondering that myself.
-HisNobody- You look soo prettay! -Kota- Ouch. I hate sunburns >.< lol @ second pic.
Yayness! *throws confetti*
1 more to go~!!!!
I vote riku sora kairi own. He said he'd protect us from the Care Bears.
Yay!! Uhhh.... You got us cookies =3