I <3 HOUSE.capsunlock
xDDD I sorta want to play KH Re:Com...but I want to watch House... Dang it. D:
So is House. <3
Aw, that's cute.
Yes. That's what I love about him. xD xDDDD AWESOME. 8D
I thought it wasn't until tomorrow...I guess I was wrong. YAY FOR HOUSE! ...I agree. xD
There's a House Marathon? D8 FOUND IT! 8DDD
Oh, okay. How are you?
Ah, I see.
I've only seen one or two episodes of that.
Oh, dudette, you're missing out.
Well, she's obsessed with anything Disney?Pixar. And Law and Order.
Okay. My friend is obsessed with the movie.
I've heard of Chobits. The rest I have no clue.
No, it never really caught my attention.
WHOOO! 8Dimbored
Yeah, you can! xDD
Uh....no. 8D
'Cause I do. 8D
Neither did I.