One is for Mark. xD One I gave to my friend. One I'm giving to my other friend. Two I'm knitting for myself. And the other is for a friend of a...
I have to go in a few minutes...I'll talk to you soon, then.
Yeah. xDD This is the fifth scarf I've knitted.
I still have about five minutes. xD lol, this suede yarn is shedding. xDD
Well, that's a good thing. ^^
Ah, okay. I have to go in a few minutes.
I MISS YOU. D8wolfieisawesome
Well, I'm doing rather well; thanks for asking. You?
xDD So, did I miss anything while I was gone?
True true.
That they are. Which reminds me..I have a test tomorrow. D: That was very smart of you. I always put things to the last minute. xD
Only this week. Sorry to tell ya that.
Just finishing homework. And planning my b-day party. You?
Our principle decided to give us Friday off for the heck of it so we had a four day weekend. xD And I'm glad to hear you're doing well. ^^
I-I'm sorry. ;~;
I'm doing rather well, actually. How about you?
Thank you. 8D Three days. X3
Itazura na Kiss. It is such a cute anime. Actually, it's the only anime I like now. xD
I love it how when I come to visit none of my friends are online. xD