That's awful, is there no way you could stay with friends or something if it is getting so bad? Or talk to an advisor at school maybe?
So do I .-. and it melted x: it got overheated and then one night it was realy cold and it crashed, it wouldn't switch back on, we got someone to...
Ok good because I am running out of room as it is :[ I have not, people keep telling me to but idk, despite the frequent recommendations, I...
That's not good D: feeling angry all the time will just make you feel worse .-. it is a good thing you have started writing more, it can really...
Who do you think it is haunting you? I sent him to go be with you <3 I'm just nice like that :]
Gosh that feels like it was forever ago now. I feel so old D: <3 how have you been dear?
Nuuuuuuu anything but that D: I have to say though, the forum has become quite a pleasant place, its nice to see people aren't attacking each...
Well it is leaving England at least, though wow I am beyond freezing today, I am wearing three layers and I also have my blanket and I am still...
I am only just now seeing this beauty of a thread here, but I feel the need to say, I think I would be the one always bringing home animals that I kidnapped found wandering around all alone. That and I'd probably be the one doing the cleaning. To the point it annoys everyone else. o;
Oh gosh I adore them, one of the most amazing live performances I have ever been to Palahniuk's Laughter ~ Fightstar who are also rather great live
Mostly I have been just chilling out I guess. I have been reading a lot, and really focusing on my photography and writing. I've also been gaming...
Different people different tastes etc etc
It wouldn't be so bad if it was all the time, but it works perfect and then suddenly staticattack ;-; and everyone bleeds from their ears and I cry, though it may be my voice making their ears bleed
:ninjacat: Your voice is amazing ._. I hate you all >: it isn't fair
Omgosh it is you <333
Okies no rush on it ^^ Just post it when you come across it <3
Haha, awww no worries, it's fixed now C: And as I said, they're really cute I'm sure you'll think of the perfect story to go with them <3 And,...
You don't fill me with much enthusiasm sir, so I shall avoid adding it to the wreck of my list. I am so behind with anime that it is frightening...
Indeedio, and hahaha, far from it, and it is extremely scary, I feel like I am a noob all over again. I get spazzy before every post I make...
* Summons *