I do not know whether to reply seriously or not, so instead, plz accept this koot little thing
I had actually noticed that the other day :b stay off my place plz :c I'm alright, just tired and over-thinking crap 8D you know how we both...
Well, your writing being dark isn't such a bad thing, my own tends to be similar when I'm feeling down. It is just a form of expression and...
...Quite right...heh...what kind of person would do that ¬¬
Hello, gosh, this feel awfully weird. I'm not used to making threads anymore. Argh spazzy nerves. Anyways, today at work I was asked not to wear my heels anymore, because apparently a customer commented that they make me intimidatingly tall, and it turns out that people aren't usually comfortable with approaching tall females for help/assistance. Personally I think this is rubbish, for one thing this is the first time it's ever been mentioned to me, and for another, well, I actually think I am kind of short. Oh, and said heels only added approximately 2 inches to my height, reason being, I tend to go ass over elbows in anything too high. Now I am curious, and it has been a while since I've seen this asked, so if you would be so kind as to tell me your height, that would be wonderful. Also, if you believe yourself to be short or tall. I am around 5'10 and I think I am quite short.
xD I am now picturing various ways of tricking people into small spaces, sometimes I worry myself
You're welcome, and if you need to talk, you know where I am. You can do it <3
I think we have all done pretty messed up things from time to time, and whilst I agree that anyone can snap, and that people are ultimately...
Indeedio o: So how you been?
You should check these out for definite <3 oh, also, this is the original of Trust, which I think is beyond beautiful <3 I listened to the songs...
...D: I thought I would say hello
Hello :3
Firstly let me say I am sorry you're having such a ****** time right now. Ok love, lets take this one thing at a time <3 With regards to the ex, I agree that getting back with him would be a bad idea, especially as you are now in a relatively dark place yourself, two darkened people is not a good combination for a relationship to have. However, I do think it is a good idea for the two of you to remain friends. From what you have said, he had it really hard, and I imagine the last thing he needs is to feel that he has lost someone else completely from his life. With regards to the rumours and stories you have heard since you have broke up, the only advice I can give is to suggest you don't listen to them, if someone comes to you to try and tell you a story or a rumour, tell them you don't wish to know. It isn't allowing you to move on completely, and by keep tearing at healing scars, they'll just stay as open wounds. You need to focus on yourself right now, and not on hidden shadows in a relationship that has already ended. I am also going to suggest that whilst you remain friends, take a step back, if talking to him so much so often is hurting you, then you need to take some breathing space. Obviously I am not suggesting you cut him out or anything like that, but cut down how long you talk to him and how often. I think the fact that he is having this effect on you shows you haven't completely got over the relationship as much as you thought. Which brings me to the next issue. I think instead of moving on with other guys, you need to take time to be by yourself. I know that when you're a teenager and in HS its the done thing to be in some form of relationship or to have some kind of thing going on, but from the sounds of it this relationship was intense, so I really do think you need to be by yourself for a while. Hang out with your friends etc. About the recent crush, I would forget about it. If he is also hung up on someone then you're likely to end up in a rebounder, which ok, that can sometimes help you get over someone, but only if you go into it fully seeing it for what it is, it wouldn't be an actual relationship, it would likely end up as a brief encounter, and in your current state, I don't think that is the best way for you. Maybe in the future when you're both in happier places you can consider it, but until you're both free completely, I'd suggest you stay as friends. Now about the drinking, this actually does worry me. It is a bad habit to develop at any age, but especially when you're so young, you're a pretty girl, it would suck if you ended up losing yourself admidst the alcohol. There are sites you can look at to help you with this, for example http://www.stopdrinkingadvice.org/10-great-tips-to-stop-drinking/ offers some good advice, as to most health orientated sites. I do think it is important that you recognise this issue as being a problem. It isn't that you're drinking in the way our generations often do to have a good time, you're drinking to forget and to cope, and that is not healthy. If you really want to stop this, then you've already done the hard part, really wanting to change is the bit people often struggle with, if you have that done, you have to just believe in yourself that you can do it. Lastly, I know that you don't want to, but I really do think that talking to your parents may actually help you. I know that you don't want to disappoint them, but its so easy sometimes to believe that we have everything under control and it will all be fine, when really, some parental guidance, or indeed some other adult you trust, maybe a school nurse or your local doctor, could do you a world of good, plus it is always nice to know you have the support of your parents, and I am quite sure that whilst they may be upset, and even concerned, they would be mostly wanting to help you and support you. I can't think of anything else to say, just be brave and be strong, I think you have some tough times ahead of you, but you're a tough chick, you've shown that multiple times before, and if you really want to get your life back on track, I know you can do it <3
My bad, I thought you meant it may happen as a result of recklessness. To be honest, I don't think you're capable of killing someone. Sorry if...
Warmth warmth delicious warmth <333 Haha, my mom is always telling me off for sitting against the radiators and such to try and soak in the heat.
Wow you have an amazing name
The green bars are just to show how much rep you have. The more repuation points you have then the more green blocks you have. In some cases the green blocks will be red, which means the user has negative rep. The posts is basically just the total posts you have made that count. Posts that you make will contribute and add to that number, however not all sections count, for example posts made in the spam zone won't be added to your total, but posts made in the Music Section would be. They don't really do a lot, it just shows other members whether you're an active member or not. Hope that helped <3
Its annoying, it had been getting warmer here than it had been, but now its gone right back into a cold snap. Though apparently I'm imagining it...
*Scribbles it onto the one blank spot of list from hell* Thanks dear <3 Also, bloody hell it is so cold today