Indeed ._.'
omg Nate >:[
Hello there my little spamhead <333
What is the angriest you have ever been? No it isn't stupid, she would have been stealing for the sake of herself and her children. Getting the...
Cool, what is it that you're studying? Are you finding it good different or bad different? Nice, when is that going to happen?
Come in Closer ~ Blue October
Nah, he doesn't want, he says he likes being with you because you talk more in your sleep than I do.
Will there be sprinkles D:
Ha, you seem almost disappointed
No, no of course not. >_> <_< *Cheeses*
<33333333333 Indeed, and when they weren't trying to make me play hostess, they were arguing about war with some other alien race.
Haha, thats ok, I'm 23, so I too am of the old. Maybe you could start playing other games? The choice out there is pretty extensive, and its never...
That is fantastic news ^^ I'm happy to hear that
Because I was away for so long that now it feels weird and I feel lost
Self hatred can be much worse than hatred directed outwards. Its true, you could potentially snap, but again, I don't see it happening. You come...
Happy birthday mother <3
Proving once more, that facebook needs to be destroyed.
They are both different dearest, two cacti, just for you