I don't know what the actual temp was, but it was damn cold. Not as cold as you have it atm though I'm sure :b Oh I see, I'm sure you'll do good,...
Haha good luck, it seems like it takes forever, and then when you get there it feels like no time at all :b you can do it! Nah, I'm pretty much...
I. Want. Sprinkles. Damnit. >:[
I missed you too <3 Haha, you need to stop falling in love with old gay men >:{ Good luck on the finding a job, this is super awesome news,...
Your computer needs to choke on worms :l kick it from me plz <3
Where do you want to live? Also yeah I'd pretty much guessed that xD;
Hmm, I don't know what to suggest then, but its a shame, there are some great games out there. Music is pretty much my oxygen xD; I don't have a...
I remember the feeling well haha, not a lot is new with me to be honest, I'm still just floating along as I always do :b
Ah cool, well I am glad there is some good to it at least :b Awesome, so its coming out around your birthday x3
Indeed, so you must submit to my rule :ninjacat:
That actually makes me angry just hearing about it :l I was in a similar case before, I was walking home and saw a bunch of teenagers beating the...
Well maybe you could have a hidden place to keep it all? You shouldn't be afraid to write, much in the same way that painters can paint what they...
They threaten you? You can't let them get away with that, plus talking to an advisor would be confidential, they wouldn't need to know unless you...
:c dun be mad at me
I'll cause a riot just for you <3
The boy has a beautiful voice
Sakura for the win <3
I'm glad you're doing ok overall <3 what have you been up to lately? And I am great thanks C:
I am great thanks dear, and how are you? It has been way too long D: