And Priscilla can go choke on a tentacle ¬¬
I was wondering if you'd notice her o: <3 Still hold much love for her
If they were stealing for the purpose of our family's survival then yes I would stop them do it myself, if they were stealing for the sake of...
Don't Forget Me ~ RHCP
Comfortably Numb ~ Pink Floyd
You suck >:c
Hey burny, how are you?
We always want what we can't have, it is the law. It is the same everywhere, job market is currently virtually non-existent >.< Awesome, how old...
Just keep smiling and remember to breathe <3
Hey there ^^
You are a bad father :c
Dear Plums, Good, otherwise I would have had to kill you, and that would be messy :c Love, CtR Did you watch Tsubasa Chronicles too? p.s I am...
Oh? What's going on? Also you should stick with college, the career may be good now, but qualifications last a lifetime. Nah, I am just floating...
Always :b you know it
Georgia Nicolson is that you?
I have mild OCD, it was much worse when I was younger, and has gone away somewhat now, so I can sympathise with that. I do practice drawing, I...
Abortion is good for the environment, it gives people a reason to keep their old coat hangers instead of throwing them out into the wild
You know sometimes, you can have your work downgraded for going overboard. It shows that you don't know how to write selectively and appropriately. So its your choice, but it may backfire horribly.
I'm sorry D: you know how I get when it comes to moosik <3 I don't think I have heard the original, so I'll go check it out when I finish writing...
In was doing that, but then I got lazy and didn't do it for absolutely months, and now I might have lost it all ._. Oh gosh, it pisses me off...