xD I know the feeling. I remember in one of the early books, they go on a trip somewhere on the train, and their German teacher steps out on the...
Oh wow thats cool, I hope you're having tons of fun x3
Not bad thanks, and yourself? How is Liz?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YpDtqp3rfhc Watch this
I actually meant for your birthday haha since you're leaving your teenage years behind now. That sounds really aces though, so good luck with it...
It would be nice to live a life like that
Good >: Haha, dear you have the rest of your life so take it one day at a time ok. Huh, I hope he doesn't feed the puppy to any of his other...
True, same as the one in my sig haha
Oh god this so many times over. Also, rep hasn't lost its numerical value I don't believe.
Damnit, I had been gone for half an hour, I knew I shouldn't have gone to sleep
Ffffffffffffff this is awesome holy crap Also, I have no lag with mine, though my scroll button is the size of a fullstop haha *Pictures wars when people finally work out who their old de-reps were from* Oh god please do this again in the future too
Sweet dreams <3
It is almost 8am here I think that would be a wise idea
Why the hell am I awake?
I will just say one thing, I'll come edit this tomorrow when I am less tired, but I just wanted to say, why does there always have to be a -need- or a -point- to a plugin that we have? Sometimes its nice to have something just for the fun of it. In my opinion anyways.
Iceberg dead ahead
I hope you're alright wherever you are
I miss you
Be online more >:
I wonder if you remember me