true but werent textures and models different in the previous games too??like KH2?? EDIT:also are you using Jpcsp to play this game??
nice so like this model is from the game one right i mean the cutscene model or did u textures his hair with someone else?? ^^"
yeah sure ill PM u the code when they are done ^^
My pleasure ^^
oh cool i think XD
its cool ^^ and i hope u find the game ill port the codes in the evening ^^
yo nm jus downloading vids XD wht bout u??
lol its cool ^^ and well downloading scans for Kingdom hearts 358/2 Days Ultimania :D and kk ill tell u :P
yo nm u tell
try this one DW Sora (FIX) (Made By Aurangzeb56) (Press R2) E013FDFF 0035B55C 21cefe74 58455F57 21cefe78 00303130 01cb973f 00000004 20340ba4 80528231 20340ba8 81088109 20340bac 810B810C 20340bb0 810D810E 20340bb4 81108111 20340bb8 810A810F 21c95344 04040404 21CFA3FE 01360136 01cbd04c 0000000C 201A01F8 00000000 201A0568 10000006 0033FEC6 000000FF 01d5de48 00000006 01d5dd38 00000005 2033fec8 FFFFFFFF 2033fecc FFFFFFFF
Hey guys i need some help with PDF files,first can you giys tell me how to CREATE a PDF files with multiple pics e.g. like Strategy guides,visual Art books and etc. and second do you know how to CONVERT a PDF files into JPG,BMP,PNG etc. formats??thanks ^^
haha nice i remember i made Rikus soul eater when i was still a kid but i still have that somewhere in my closet XD
yeah sure i can ^^ but not right now,m a lil tired right now ^^"
well at least someone DID made a program like this for KH u k knw ^^ and besides a lot of newbies can use this stuff if they are having problem finding the right digits for them although something is bothering me and thats the address for the Final Mix version since the address for Final Mix begins with 11CE0B68 and then go ons but this one is 11C6CC20.Hmm i think he is using the old Character Modifier
well the codes CAN be ported ^^"
nah some hidden things i found while searching for some new things
thast because you gave him Axels model and mset XD and theres a trick no giving them weapons liks you can see already did it :P
thts good ;p
not all of them but i do have these,these are the only one i ported Drive Forms (Allies )(Donald) Roxas: (Made By Aurangzeb56) 11CFA3FE 0000005A...
hmm nah she doesnt look quite good in kairis character ^^"