yup i knw u have been here since 2007 a lil after me :P but yeah im sure that there would get around a way past DMA and well more codes will get started being made for this game too ^^
well i think ive already ported the Play as DW Riku ^^" and my pleasure ;)
Finally thanks mike now my Kingdom Hearts Ultimania Book is complete :D
probably but this game still hasnt been hacked enough to know if there will be or wont be a code like that
^^ kk thanks for telling me ^^
Also can somebody upload the cutscene for "Hollow Bastion: Fifth Visit " in a different server cause filefront is really giving me troubles downloading that file ^^"
tbh really bored sine don't have anything to do these days ^^"
yo.How have u been??
The ally one??Well he doesnt T-stances cause hes an original ally and i jus gave him finals moveset and his other arm finals arm
True,i would have hacked the play as bosses code for PAL region but i dont have the game for it OR either the Dump for PAL regions
TUTORIAL TIME: How To Mod Texture Of characters In Kingdom Hearts 2 And Final Mix!! Hey guys i used to got alot of requests on how to make texture mods for characters so i finally decided to make a vid of it and showing it so yeah ^^ HAPPY LEARNING :D
My pleasure ^^
Nah kingdom hearts 1 IS still an interesting game but this game can mostly be hacked with ASM hacking which only a few coders here know how to do ASM hacking
well here these were the only codes who were able to get ported without crashing the game so yeah heres thew complete list ^^ Drive Forms...
Hmm also can you add more codes in this program of urs like play as bosses or etc.??
I already have Adobe Photoshop CS4 full ^^ but thts the problem we have to make each one by one ^^" Thanks but well the size is REALLY HUGE for the outcomed PDF XDD but thanks for tryign though ^^
Hmm well i think its possible to make this game run on JPCSP since i was able to make this game run i just have to encode the game in PSP using JPCSPConnector in our PSP and then take then encoded file back to the JPCSP folder and the game will work
Nice mike the voices matches alot with the original voice actors ^^
Nope since the NTSC version doesnt have Terra in it so we cant give Roxas terras textures which results in Play as VEn code exlcusice to Final Mix althugh i did saw a really nice code for NTSC version which i think was made so tht the NTSC fans can still enjoy it even if they dont have the Ven code
Thanks ^^ also u knw a way to MAKE a PDF file with multiple pics?? ^^"