Yup like I-Don't-Know said ^^ i may also come around and make a tutorial on how to make Play as Bosses DMA Codes ^^
here try using this E70M-8DG1-47REB UA6X-4KV7-XCJE2 0GAK-PUP6-4PKKU H13K-P8GV-A8ZUY Z386-C585-G8KFY 8RKB-DK03-8K3MP KEDB-FA9R-58JDM 6V6V-D4EX-JM7WD BJUK-Y8WF-EDPGK and as for Sora,RIku and Roxas you mean as Play as Sora and Riku,Roxas re your allys??
Just press L2 or hold L2 when changing Maps E00FFEFF 0034D45C 11CE0B68 0000089B 01CB8C77 0000002E 21CB8C78 7465736D 21CB8C7C 00000000 01CB8C96 00000005 11CB8C9E 00000002 0032ED64 0000008A 2032F0AC 00020100 01C9F62F 00000013 21CD52A8 48455F57 21CD52AC 00303030 21CD52B0 00000000 21CD52B4 00000000 11CD4390 0000077B 21C6C900 0A090964
the last line code in my secind last post IS supposed to make him drive into forms ^^"
try jokering the code
Well to finish off bosses just give him one of soras keyblade and about the Riku during full game then just use this code Play As Riku (FIX) *Made By Aurangzeb56* 11CE0B68 0000089B 01CB8C77 0000002E 21CB8C78 7465736D 21CB8C7C 00000000 01CB8C96 00000005 11CB8C9E 00000002 0032ED64 0000008A 2032F0AC 00020100 01C9F62F 00000013 21CD52A8 48455F57 21CD52AC 00303030 21CD52B0 00000000 21CD52B4 00000000 11CD4390 0000077B ----->Weapon Mod(With Dummies) 21C6C900 0A090964 and drive into any of the form before going to fight bosses then when u are in the boss fight well then just finish the boss off ^^ but dont use RCs since it would T-stance him
Max Strength GXW7-N2H6-Y6MTJ N4GA-PEMW-6NGJ0 Max Magic E55D-QURY-0NNAD X39F-M9FJ-0Y9Q5
Hey guys thought i should record and upload this video since there wasn't one for an HD version ^^ so enjoy,also i went through a lot of troubles so please no criticism ^^ Download Link:http://www.mediafire.com/?mnjiy5ijcmj
My pleasure ^^ and i might as well also take out a tutorial on how to make Play as Bosses Code DMA and animations mod DMA ^^
haha well goodluck in getting the fifth weapon ^^
which code?? ^^"
My pleasure ^^ Well also then here All Characters Status Max 8VV2-13QZ-X2UB8 6NHR-7T4R-322H3 VU5R-TP5J-NQY55 8E2D-DJY3-A2D3E HR0E-N0VQ-QT8BU UVEH-YVRY-AKDKB KCX4-T4QM-HVCA3 8VXG-3AJD-EJV4E VJ6Z-MDXG-PBXY8 N90Y-4T0Q-B0ZX7 RCAK-7H9G-9XUJY MVRQ-1163-J8H7M TP8B-K5Y7-2TT0W JZ1U-K6HZ-1U46F JGNC-Z2VP-DQGP3 B62Q-1R6P-K08D1 Z9T2-P3EX-57X4P 4KV2-2WZ5-RVBDQ UPTJ-HX5Q-FRPKE 825H-NHEC-2X3J2 All Characters Highest Rank (PAR Version 1.6 and higher only) CVFZ-1BPE-0JBQY QVCX-00T7-4BC4G EUM0-12VE-ZE8R6 T37U-2CAU-KKATF All Characters Rank Point Max (PAR Version 1.6 and higher only) UXR6-QUMY-MPHA2 JJEK-2GGN-YXT0T KTHW-AW99-3MVVY All Characters Stages & Options (PAR Version 1.6 and higher only) PUQD-RH1F-FWN0R WT8H-RUWG-Y3H93 MYQK-ARCG-DH1K1
Well these are the IDS i found DW3 (PAL) :0084 DW3 Xtreme Legends (PAL):1025 DW3 Xtreme Legends (NTSC):0576
1.No one has made one for NTSC yet i think ^^" 2.Just use this code 11CFA3FC 00000058 3.yes you can
yup ^^ ......
-_- the one i posted here on your wall is the DW ALLY riku and im saying that the PLAY AS DW RIKU CODE i have already posted that in the thread
Thanks Misty ^^ and done heres an other cutscene KH2 - 100 Acre Wood - Second Visit EDIT: Well guys here are the rest of the missing bosses(Sorry that they are in low quality since they came in this quality ^^" but ill record in a much higher quality as soon as i buy a PS2 controller for PC ^^) Xaldin Xigbar Hydra 1000 Heartless Grim Reaper Groundshaker Hostile Program Jafar Luxord MCP Oogie Boggie Saix Xemnas: Final Battle #2
Did you jokered the code??
well his Dark Shield and Dark Aura attacks dont seems to have those effects come out of there since i tried it but the dark fire balls dont come out of his hands AND nor does the shield ^^"