XD i think u shouldn't buy this ^^"
haha yup soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo true :D
haha true ^^ i had NES a long time ago when i was a kid XD
lol XD well goodluck finding it :P but besides why not just use NES Emulator?? ^^"
Hmm i think the code has already been released in the NTSC thread
You cant use two different allys on an actual PS2 meaning you can only replace one ally with Soras form or BOTH allys with the SAME form it wont work if you do like Anti and Final or Valor and final etc. Ill make the dump in a bit since i just wokeup ^^"
Yup Variable Geo and adult fighting game but really cool XD also its on SNES ;P
well DMA means Dynamic Memory Allocations also known as will work under conditions also known as a one room code A.K.A will work in only one room...
lol well i played V.G. on NES :P
Nice work i ^^ hmm also was the outcome supposed to be like this?? Spoiler
yo nothin gettin bored XD wht bout u??
Well you can download emuhaste and PS2Dis but not careys tool since he didnt released it and well making codes are really hard you have to learn the basic first ^^
haha thanks ^^ :D
well nope but they are DMA anyway but i think hustler came around a way to make them Un-DMA ^^"
well you have to configure your keyboard buttons to ur liking in the configurations drop box in Pcsx2 ^^ and about friends i removed all of them :P
o_O it didnt freeze with me and where are you using the code at??
hacking tools are tools that we use to hack games like Emuhaste and PS2Dis as for carey he uses HIS OWN CREATED TOOLS to hack kingdom hearts making him an advanced hacker also known as ASM Hacking which he does
download camtasia studio that what i use
so you mean this code haven't release by carey?[/QUOTE] no it means that this code can be hacked with advacned hacking which Carey does yb using his tools WHICH he hasnt released yet since he made the tools to hack this game he still hasnt released his tools ^^ and unless he releases his tools most of the codes cant be hacked properly without it ^^
well yup camtasia is a screen capture and u dont need a webcam for tht ^^ and bout ur second Q well we move with mought but attacks and other...