hmm i thin kthe minimum requirements for Pcsx2 to run stabily on a computer is 500 or 1 GB of RAM but i dont know ^^" lol pretty soon :P
for your first Q thats cant be happening since its working fine for me.Do you hold down the shift button while pressing 3??Hmm and about the Pcsx2...
Oh yeah sry forgot ^^" Well Intel Core 2 Quad,2.33 GHz and 4 GB of RAM also if you want to increase more speed then goto config in pcsx2 and click Speedhacks u can find some speedup things there
oh lol kk :P
lol its cool no need to say sry ^^ ur dumps uploading btw :P so what are you going to do?? give Roxas org Roxas textures??
Hey guys just so that no ones asks stuffs on how to configure Pcsx2 and HOW to makes dumps of games so yeah ^^ also view in HD for best resolution ;) and Emuhaste to make Dumps:
almost finished
Well without the video it would be really hard to understand anything ^^" but ill still try just watch the video while reading my steps 1.Make...
Hmm dont know why but i tried to switch them bth but it just crashed :/
Cant since its illegal to share models in forums so for all the guys here if they dont know about it then you will have to find a way to extract the models yourself ^^
well Un-DMA codes are really hard AND really long only a few peoples have found a trick in Un-DMAing SOME of the codes
well yeah it would just replace final form with Anti form and give anti form Finals Moveset ^^
Well i tried and it looks like that the only way to make anti form give RCs IS to replace a form with Antiform ^^
TUTORIAL TIME!! :D Hey guys another tutorial and this about how to mod characters animations!! :D so yeah hope u guys learn quick and for best viewing experience play in HD and full screen ;) also here is KH2 Model Viewer
My pleasure ^^
Yup its possible on emulator since emulator uses CPUs processing which is must larger and stronger then PS2s so its works in Emus
oh well its DMA and i deleted the code ^^"
hmm kk but later since im tired right now ^^"
my pleasure ^^
lol well if you can disassemble it then i dont think theres any problem ^^