Yo guys this vid i did myself cause i was bored :P But well to spice things up i gave Terra Marluxias Effects and also i gave Sora Terras Effects but it would really bright up Sora so i removed it and went with Marluxias Effects only XD so yeah Enjoy ^^
thanks ^^ yup true and well i did used UCM Mods ^^" but i replaced Axels model with his boss model so that he wasnt like tired or anything ;) lol yup goofy was reapcled by Roxas but i could have made him more useful but didn't cause i was tired XD
Yo Slip thanks ^^ long time where have u been?? ^^
oh kk thanks ^^
Hey guys this fight was requested by ThaLulz19 but i tweaked it a bit by throwing in Roxas and Axel also no target mods were applied its just some basic model hacking and i dont know why Xemnas is attacking Axel maybe his revenge that Axel betrayed the organization :P But honestly no target mods were applied this was just an after effect that occurred when i used Axel in this fight XDD Well enough said ENJOY :D
well the cavern of remembrance its the hardest dungeon in the game and its got some powerful heartless and nobodies in it XDD here try seeing this...
hmm kk can you upload the dump but first make it a zip file so its file size compresses then upload it and give it to me
hmm maybe there are possibilities that they turned into heartless then but idk i would have to play the game itself to find out XD
who are you looking for and in which dump??
^^" jus do what i did and the @...@...@ part will show in the above Bar in PS2Dis
yup ^^ .....
Well i mainly like Org XIII cause of their different elements as in all the characters in the org have different elements to accompnay them like for axel its fire,marluxia rose,vexen Ice and etc. and also because all of them were human at some time and were turned into nobodies when they turned into a heartless,Tbh i really want to know how axel and saix turned into nobodies since Spoiler i dont think they showed it in BBS did they??
Dont know since it must have been mickey nomura confirmed it in an interview about this game ^^" also he did the same thing with Riku when he was in the World Of Darkness he talked to Riku there too so i think its got to be mickey :D
well Nomura did said that this game is another title and bear no resemblance with the other titles and i think its kinda cool to ploy with Riku and Sora both the old style XD
I kinda like the new look since the old look of here has gotten really really old besides she looks nice in this outfit and looks as if shes goin to join a new team of teenagers XD
for some reason the code isnt workin for me now too ^^"
Nice i totally forgot that you hack megaman games ^^"(goes to watch your hack battle of MBN XD) hmm also Luxord can you teach me how to hack GBA/DS Games too since ive been wanting to hack these games for a while but there rnt enough tutorial for hacking these games ^^"
1.Garden Of Assemblage 2.I think so since this room comes after you meet Sephiroth for the first time in hollow bastion and this place is inside...
i meant one at a time ^^" like first find the characters you want to switch the textures of using UCM when you find his address copy it and past...
exactly thts because i think he replaced sora with goofy ^^"