This is epic ****"I'll...s=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a We're the first and only result on google for that I'm a lazy procrastionator I have failed at life I will reset now
Who likes the little little duckies in the pond? I do! I do! I do! A chika quack quack
I am a banana. That is all.
Good morning from the East coast Good afternoon from Central Good night from the West coast
Should put it in Miso soup, that stuff already makes me happy just thinking about it. At least talking about this is better than talking about brain crack.
Of course you would know that. I quite think we are, except a mushroom is a fungi and we never said anything about vegetables.
Yea, but mushrooms come with bad side effects.
It does though, it has Thiamin. That goes to your brain telling it to release the chemicals that make you happy. At least I think it was Thiamin, it may have been another thing in it.
Eat a banana, they make your brain happy.
I think somebody's avoiding the question. I bet it's that damn pink light bulb.
Hate the song, but the lyrics are fun to scream at random times. Do you hate me?
lol Triceratops. CLOSE ENOUGH.
Please don't say the L word, it makes me think of how stupid I am.
E_E fine, be that way.
TL;DR those things are getting old. You exaggerate to much B, it was hardly even vore
>_> it's just Code Geass
What, that vore part where Lulu put Spinzaku in the soup weird you out?
Must I teach you everything? E_E Here, some info on how it started, it's pretty short EDIT: fine have a youtube video instead
You don't even know that? e_e It's where all the memes like Spinzaku came from