There should be more Raids like that simply for the lulz. Raids are epic. HEY GAIS I'VE GOT BUUSHALTESTELLE! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA
Neuro is simply better at unraveling mysteries. Even when beaten down to the point of having no daemonic power left, his mental capabilitys are as sharp as ever. One who's even seen the HAL ark wouldn't know, as he leaves the last part to Yako while he recovers. You would have to read the manga to get to the bloodline ark (;~; Sai... I hate Sicks so much) Yako herself would actually probably have a chance at beating L in some cases, because of her characteristics as a person.
Most defiantly, Nougami. L is no competition.
Would have almost been better where it simply overlooked. A mystery of this flavor is hardly an appetizer. Speaking of mysteries, FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF Sicks. I hate 11, I miss X
A tea cup but no tea, is this a riddle or simply overlooked?
Since after Christmas my activity on the internet has decreased by roughly 68% I don't mean to abandon you guys though... Many things have been wrong, I'm sorry.
Orz...this is me. Being stupid. that happened over lunch whn I had nothing to eat but those instant potatoes that I had never seen before. Surprised me so much, I wish I had a camera when it happened, it would be a hilarious reaction video. In other news. I hate school now more then I ever have before.
Zetta is Edward. I am also Edward. Two Edwards actually. I'm a ****ing shapeshifting stalker alchemist, YEAH!
Is X back? 8D Oh god, the inside jokes, they kill me, they kill me XD
B, you have no idea what insanity is. Kir, you never fail to make me smile with utter randomness. Sven, that avitar is made of awesome.
5lut 5lut 5lut 5lut 8D I think **** is as well
BURN THE WITCH! BURN THE WITCH! AHAHAHAHA Sai is a **** 8D According to the anime Sai is related to Yako. Sai gets the ****tyness from the fathers side of the family~ lol 5lut is censored? wow
*crawls out from under a pile of work* *steals some cheetos* *crawls back under work*
I tend to have that effect on people.
Good, certainly good. Ah, but that's what you get when you run about talking with inside jokes.
I am going to murder your children guys? What's up! D: I feel happy today@
I want an eyepatch. Really. I have bad depth perception anyway, I could just scoop my eye out with a spoon. ... My teacher says why I'm so tired as of late as well as why I act random and hyper is to hide something. She's right at least for one of those. If only I could actually say that I think she is. I need a very long break.
Wow, what ****tards. YES, I'll see what ones would be epic to have. So far my favorite is still the spakling one, and it's not just in Real Life, Edward is gay anyway, he likes bella, who is a man.
You wanna bet on that b? o hey gaiz i haz teh bestest thing evar on my hed *proudly walks around with Twilight Hate sticker stuck to hair* You all know that stickers in hair is gonna be the next thing in style. I think I'm just gonna glue that one about being gay onto my bag with a hot glue dun Deii, the 'proud Twilight hater' that has that part about the fanfictions is fine, but because the one about gay guys is on a curved part, it keeps falling off.
Reseting is TOTALLY PG, maybe even E ~ And I completely didn't read that post Deii, I don`t have to reset again.