Of couse you don't understand, because you never remember a single word I ever say. But considering that I don't even know why I'm typing this then.
I missed Kiryu again. This depresses me. Maybe Marluxia is a tree. Maybe he will help. Maybe he is Pink CEO. On average 1-3 out of everybody in the world knows wtf I am saying. [/duckies]
My special box~
I assure you that you wouldn't be joking where you to be placed in a box.
No. You always think such unreasonable things. We're going to start human experiments. Maybe I can find out what I am : D
I thought that we where going to a nuclear wasteland.... Kir you promised to take the family, didn't you? Well somebody promised. ... I think it would be fun.
Hard Charger alert! Release the DUCKIES
Of course you wouldn't know. Only Sports Racers know.
Damn it Kiryu, you always come back when I'm not around. It's depressing. I think I'm just gonna go find Pink young CEO now.
Even I could tell you the answer to that.
Both sulking and having fun. I miss Kiryu, where did that crazy psychopath go?
Oh man, I'm sorry, I've had Indalecio done and saved for a while, I've just forgotten to upload, I'll do that now. Good luck with your finding food. If nothing is left, there's always dog food. It tasted bland and gets stuck in your teeth, but when you're hungry, it can seem like the best thing in the world.
I honestly have no idea wtf you're talking about.
I'm playing that game where you stab people, dance in their blood, run off and then burn some furries. Quite fun.
Right. Of course. Whatever. [/squall]
Whatever .
Commence Squall Imitation Competition Whoever lasts the longest in character wins a very special prize.
The legend of the evil poof potatos?
Sure thing Squall, sure thing.