UDODA!! That's a lie just as much as it was a lie Neuro didn't get Sai pregnant D:< I HAVE NO NEED TO DRESS UP AS XENNEX ANYWAY
I'm total opposite, if I finish something that took a long time, I feel pumped (or sometimes tired depending on how late I stayed up finishing it) I have no social life, my activity here is decreased because of... really I just visit less because this place is less active. :/ I get bored of comming back to find nobody posted
Wow a Kiryu hug, how very rare. I think... you're actually right about that, as far as I know, I've only ever asked for and art trade before, and that was on DA. Strange. I'm on cup 8 of tea. which is pretty much... like 2 1/2 Liters of Cola because of the cup size. I'm ready to bounce off walls.
Sitting in this room playing Russian roulette Finger on the trigger to my dear Juliet MAN I'm so ****ing depressed right now, and yet this tea makes me hyper as hell. I'm a hyper depressed little Sai. ...I need a hug.
Heeeeeey guys~ My legs, they tell me they hate me. I feel happy. My brain hurts from tying to understand all the Francophones though. You should all go to a French concert sometime, it's great. The singer, he was so enthusiastic and hilarious. I would say go to the Festival as well...but they only have that in my province, if not, only in my city.
Maybe you can't but your cells can. Liek I said, have any pictures of them? I wanna knwo why type of pets you have. Stalin/Yeoj and Kody. Two dogs. I really miss Stalin... Later B.
You're and ass Neuro Burnitup had both dogs and cats right? Got any pictures of them, B?
I used to have pets...
If you're so sure of what you are, maybe you can help me figure out myself.
Meanie. Let me put you in a box
A person so sure of themselves... I feel like picking you apart now
Hardly my fault, people use the generalized term "he" for me anyway. Maybe you're even more confused than I am.
I did what? Oh right, I forgot about that. Ahaha, that lead to an... interesting mistake You forget what I am at the moment, the parqadox you stated is nonexistant.
So you think I was a girl before I became this way? Hmm...maybe I was always this way, but maybe you're right?
Either way, I don't know the answer to those questions.
Really now? I see hardly a difference between the two in my situation. What am I? Was I a human, a demon? Who was I when I where them? Maybe I'm the type of person who loves to eat frogs. I shall go ask Ai to make frogs.
I am unknown and unseen. Everyone and yet no one. Everywhere and yet nowhere. Everything and yet nothing. I am called the Phantom Theif, the Monster Robber I am called Sai, and I do not know what I am. I meant to type 'what box' not 'why box'
I don't, but I am still me. We are off topic, do you still not know why box I speak of?
I have many names. Regardless, I am still the same...person.
The simple fact my name is Kaitou Sai should be enough.