Nova: Avi: 7/10 Sig: 9/10 Nice .gif XD
Higher: Avi: 10/10 Sig: 10/10 Sexy.
That will work, now just will it fit?
Being Hugh Jackman is easy, it's the spandex that will be a problem. Try asking a superhero, maybe they will know.
You can try going to some public gatherings of your intrest, think concerts, art galleries, conventions, just make sure it's something interesting to you. Brining a friend or two is alright but try and get out there and talk to new people, I find conventons tend to be the easiest for some reason, like at an amine conventions people just seem frendlier and more open to talk. If you're stumped on what to say a person you don't know, just bring up something to do with wherever you are at, this is where it being to your intrest helps. If you're interested in where you are, talking about it should be easier, and likely other peopel are there for the same reason you are, so that can get you talking.
Many many people Kir, many many people... Maybe you can be best man Higher. No Deii, I'm a magical pink unicorn, and I am invisible.
I get mistaken for a guy to much E_E Better than talking to a lamp at least, those can be real b****es sometimes. You're off by one Deii, it's a flying spaceship and a monkey on stilts.
For the hundredth time, I am not a guy!
Who said I was drinking it now, hmm? -same song- Doing alright, and yourself?
Depends what's in it, not poison I hope. I think I'll stick to Tea. CocoRosie - Werewolf Hey Higher
Should I be worried about that?
Then let it be a knife fight showdown, but for the fact of markers.
Trust me here Blivy~ You just gotta wait. I could give you a few tips or ideas if you're feeling a bit more bold and are willing to go out places
i liek duckies. We should mix the two.
Success. Now the new viewers are gone, who wants to ride a fire eagle on danger day?
If guys don't like you now, they will a lot more when your older...unless you turn into the type that looks liek a hobo, sits by the wall, and gives people the evil eye.
Ve are playing ze joke hier. Ahuh ve are calling it ze qviet vun even though it is so loud! Huh-huh. Ja. Lustig. FINGERS IN FOOD
I find guys anywhere are hard to deal with. Most girls are just b****es as well.
Hindsight is 20/20, I shouldn't have drank that many Hindsight is 20/20 stop. UGHUUUUUH Little elevators are far to small for me so I ride the big ones Their not so fun unless you're OCD and you like buttons Delta representative put me in a room with a stranger but he's no stranger anymore *skipped* didn't shut the door Hindsight is 20/20, I shouldn't have drank that many Hindsight is 20/20 stop. Now pretend to speak French. hablahblah du bleu Are the new viewers gone yet?