Believe me - Fort Minor
Well if the universe is infinite, then it actually isn't as miniscule as we think, just there's little chance that we would see them. But if the infinite universes theory is correct, then there is no chance of them not existing.
"Reckon you can keep up, vamp?" Reed grinned. He flipped backwards and pulmmeted right infront of the dragon. "They fight," the dragon roared triumphly, "Much more tasty, the fighters."
Crank That- Soulja Boy, Travis Baker
which one?
"Ready for a little aerial manouveres?" Reed asked, grinning. "I grow hungry," the dragon taunted.
7 deadly sins - Flogging Molly Only song I have heard of theirs
"It's a dragon. They are either really nice, or really hungry, or really ferocious. Sometimes both of the last two," Reed sighed. "Why me?" The dragon sent a fireball whizzing past his shoulder. OOC: I hope they do, I don't know where to go
Or, they could have tecnology a thousand time advanced. Everyone thinks that, but they might just have the same technology we have. I dunno. Nobody does.
A dragon hulked behind Sharix, a dark, red, steely glint in it's eyes. "That's not good!" Reed assesed. "It's been a while seen me and my bretheren have had nice tasty humanoid meat. How delicious the tales describe it," the dragin snickered. OOC: Is anyone else going to join?
Famous Last Words - MCR
Time to dance (remix) - Panic at the Disco
"So where are you going?" muttered a dark voice mockingly. "Is it any of your buisness?" Reed questioned. (You decide this character, I don't have any firm idea in mind)
"Well..." Reed sighed. "A few in my race are susceptible to this 'taint' that sometimes takes over the body. Seems like using dark energy makes us extra vunerable. Anyway, sometimes this enrgy takes on a form of its own, and it posses the body, overthrowing the soul I guess. That's a real problem in my race. By the way, I said 'what the heck' because there's something behind you."
When I'm gone - Eminem I wonder if they sound similar
shadow and regrets - Yellow card
Thnks fr th mmrs - Fall out boy
Inside Reed's head "I told you to stop playing with my head!" Reed shouted. "Then let me consume something," "It's spirits like you that gives my race a bad name," "You mean our race," muttered a violet haired boy. "You are not a part of me," Reed shouted at him. With that, the violet haired boy dissipated. Real World "There... The taint is gone from my mind for now..." Reed murmured. He looked back to see Sharix following. "What the heck?"
this is the kind of stuff that either keeps you up all night, or puts you to sleep instantly
"Indeed..." Reed murmured, going out of character for a moment. Reed shook his head. "Stop doing that with my head." Reed jumped towards the moon, his leap taking him a long distance before he spread his wings.