"Ummmmm, not anymore. We were following the moon, but it's almost dawn now..." Reed admitted.
"Damnit, I hope he's not mad," Reed muttered. He landed near Wes, looking over the boy's body. "Multiple fractures, bruising. Not too bad..." Reed concluded optimistically. "This is going to take some energy though." Reed proped Wes up, and started to send dark enery flowing through his hands into Wes, as the multiple skin wounds closed and healed. "We'll need to take him to the doctor, however," Reed concluded.
O....M.....G. My fre=iend learnt the dance in her free time and that was scary enough. Snow - Red Hot Chilli Peppers
"WE JUST LET A GUY FALL 100'S OF METRES! THAT'S NOT GOOD!" Reed shouted, falling even faster.
These Kids - Joel Turner snd the Modern Day Poets
"Yeah," Red nodded satisified. "Maybe we should get that guy who fell..." Reed murmured. With a start, he dived straight down. "OH NO OH NO OH NO!"
The little things give you away - Linkin Park I'm running out of songs
Above the Rising Falls OC remix - Sephfire
The explosion from the collission in the air caused nearby trees to fall and the clouds to rip apart. "I think we got him," Reed murmured.
It's all about us - Tatu
Immigrant song - Led Zepplin
Reed shook his head. "Nope." Reed dashed straight at the demon, blad infront. The energy emanting from him sending dust waves throught the sky.
Wonderwall - Oasis
Numa Numa- (I dunno who by. But, do I need to say?)
Reed gained control again. And raised his sword. "Wanna end it?" Reed asked Sharix.
Stronger - Kanye West
"No!" Reed shouted, looking at the projectiles that shattered. "he he he..." the dragon weakly snickered as its tail lashed out, striking Reed in the side.
Hey Mamma - BEP
Reed swoops down and piks him up by the back of the shirt. "Woah there buddy. How the hell did you fall from the sky?" Reed asked, absently firing off dark needles at the dragon that peirced its hide.
"You will pay for that," the dragon roared, belching flames at Sharix who quickly dodged. "Over here!" shouted Reed, landing on he dragons back with the tip of his blade resting on the dragon's spine. Reed dashed across the back, dragging his sword, causing massive bleeding. On the Ground "Is it raining blood?" a villager asked, staring in disbelief. No one noticed those above. Back in the air Reed jumped off, roatating and stopped a few metres lower. "So much for the legendary hardness of their skin," Reed taunted, grin becoming wider.