Reed knocked he door open with his shoulder and staggered halfway across the room. "Yes," asked a very scientific male voice. "This man needs attention," Reed explained, lowering Wes on to a bed. "What happened to him?" the doctor asked, standing in his white uniform looking at some medical documents. "A lot. He fell about 20 feet," Reed informed the doctor. "WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU DOING?" the doctor shouted in shock, falling backwards.
Sally can wait (not sure if that's the songs name) - Oasis
Sharix and Reed finally reached the village, tired and exhausted. "That's the last time I stay up all night running!" Reed groaned as he shifted Wes on his shoulders. "There seems to be the doctors!" Reed exclaimed happily. He started to stumble towards a building seemingly carved out of grey stone, and had a wooden sign over the door bearing a red cross and the words "The healers Ward".
" A small village just south of the Emerald Sea," Reed told her. "It's a very nice place. I enjoyed it there. MAybe I can help you find out about your past? If that's what you're planning..."
Halo 2 theme, MJOLNIR mix- Halo 2
Ramp! Logic Song - Scooter What? It's intresting
numb- Linkin Park
Clowns - Tatu
"So...Where are you from? I don't see many people like you around here," Reed asked as he continued to run.
Passion- Utada Hikaru
This is Sparta - Some guy on youtube
"It's okay. I probaly wouldn't let you anyway. Stupid manners," Reed smiled. "So it's that way?" he asked, pointing where she had. "Better get started!" he yelled and started running again.
"Thats good luck then," Reed said slightly happily. "Phew, this guy better pay us, or he's going to pay in a different kind!"
"Somewhere around here," Reed murmered. Reed suddenly stopped and looked at Sharix. "Do you know where we go from here? I know the village should be somewhere around here, but it seems to illude me. I can't sense other people for some reason..."
Sexy back- Justin Timberlake PLEEEAAAASSSSEEEE don't ask
"That's why I don't date anymore," Reed muttered under his breath. "OK!" Reed started sprinting at a mile-eating pace. "Should be there in no time!"
Damn, I'm really running low on songs. Ichirin no hana giant hollow remix - don't know the artist It's confusing
"Yeah Yeah," Reed yelled back, carrying the unconcious body on his shoulder. "Come one, this guy is heavy!"
"Such a pesimist..." Reed muttered. Reed looked around. "We flew over a couple of villages here. Maybe there's a witch doctor or something here?"
Just Lose It - Eminem