"I'll admit it's not the most cozy room," he said good-naturedly, his voice choing all around the room, "but it is the best I can do as a lord." "I'm sure been rich must be very tiring for you. We could help take some of the load off," Reed suggested, his eyes gleaming with a slight hint of greed.
Reed looked back to see the newcomer. "You want to join in the tour? It's intresting, but the lord here is reeaaallly weird and optimistic," Reed warned, before looking around the throne room. "Well, this is what I call my lounge room," the lord joked.
"Sure you don't!" The lord laughed as he continued on. "I don't think I like what he's insinuating, whatever it is," Reed muttered to Sharix, and then followed him into the throne room.
The lord stopped suddenly, turning towards Sharix and Reed. "I just noticed. You two have the strangest looks in you eyes. Almost a non-human look, but not an evil one..." The rich man commented, a little suprised. "Really?" Reed said, stepping back a bit. "I bet i know what it is! Don't worry, I wont tell anyone," The noble laughed. Reed gave him a nervous side long glance. "Ummm, are you okay?" Reed asked. "I'm fine. You guys have a serious 'illness', huh?" The noble joked, tapping his nose. "Ill...ness?"
Reed nodded enthusiastically. "I've never seen such finery before," he commented. The noble just laughed good-naturedly. He leed them down side corridors full of more paintings and tapestires plus old armour kept in good condition. "A you can see, my family had a difficult struggle to the top. We always tend to look on the birght side because of that," the man explained. (OOC: YAY! more ppl!)
The richly dressed man laughed heartedly. "Indeed I am, indeed I am. Would you like a tour around my house?" the lord offered.
Reed turned around to see a man draped in red velvet and gold. "You don't say..." Reed comented. To this, the man just laughed.
Reed looked around, gorgetting himself for a moment. Then he realised he was standing there by himself. He ran to catch up to Sharix, looking in greater detail than his first cursory look. Ornaments hung from the walls along with tapestries depicting epic battles and tradgeic moments in the world. "How rich is the owner of this place?" Reed muttered in awe. "Quite rich, actually" a deep, gravely voice answered.
"Whoaaaaaaaaaa...." Reed sighed in astonishment. While outside the castle, the town had been moderately wealthy, inside the whole building reeked of thoutless spending of gold. Beautiful statues lined the walls and buttresses looked like trees holding up the roof. "This place is amazing!"
The only difference between suicide and matyrdom is the press coverage - Panic at the disco
Where the streets have no name - U2 I'm reeeeaaaally running low on songs
"Good idea," Reed agreed and started to walk to the centre gate. "HALT! What is your purpose?" a gate guard demanded. "To see what the palace looks like...?" Reed murmured uneasily. "Oh, okay. Go ahead then. Hope you have a nice day!" the guard grinned friendly. As reed walked through the gate, he sighed a sigh of relief. "I thought they were gonna lock us away. I don't do well in prison..."
"Where to first?" Reed asked looking around. He saw a market place, abarracks, a large castle and a sort of cathederal.
Reed got up stretched. "Then let's get going!" he yawned and walked out the building.
Crawling - Linkin Park
City of Blinding Lights- U2
"You want to go check out the village? It looked pretty intresting on the way in," Reed suggested, shrugging. Reed looked at Wes. "How can someone mess themself up so badly. Scratch that, how did he managed to suddenly fall out of they sky?" Reed murmured.
Reed nodded in agreement. "Makes sense." Reed looked at Wes. "So, what do we do in the meantime?"
Heros Comeback - Naruto Shippuden Theme
OOC: Probably. Act as if you are :stupid: "Sur..Sure!" the doctor stuttered, standing up straight away and pulling medical equipment looking at Wes. "How long do you reckon it will take?" Reed asked Sharix. The doctor muttered and oulled out more tools and stowed some away.