Dwell there mota fota!
Burn in hell *******! 81
Im done aurguing 79
Im fine, i just hate stupid questions.
Then rot, I would rather have relation ship with god fake or not and not burn in hell then to burn in hell because i thought he didnt exsist. 73
Xarred walked opened a portal and went some where. "I will get my revenge on the world." Xarred said.
yay lol jk 33
this is better [youtube=Ad_49yrZEmI][Ad_49yrZEmI[/youtube] 29
post guys post 24
Xarred stood up, "I never thought the pressure was so hard on her. I never thought she would commit suicide." Xarred said sadly.
Ive completely downloaded that video. Yay! 18
Enjoy this before your exams!
What code would I get to be able to do Roxas (Me) Vs. Riku(Computer). Codebreaker code please. And How can I get clould to face sephiroth with me. please give me that code to. Codebreaker.
great you?
Long time no see
It was almost silence in the first five seconds, but im serious Xaren told me to post it. 37
XarenTheTwilitAngel Insists I show This.
Calm down.. geeez 32
Im kidding man.