47 meee tooo its 47 not 46 not 48 46 not 45 47!
Who hates stupid questions? anyone? 144 Im right stick with it! jk 44
NastY!!!!!!!!!!!! 40
useless filter? 35
What codes do I use to get riku as my enemy?
---- you Xaren! 29
Your a firefly why become a bat? 27
stupidity meter will point in the direction of the stupid one. Number of ^ equals number of posts above it. meter says: ^^^ 25
*Takes a blade and slices Xarens wing off* 18
*slaps Xaren* 'I callenge you to a duel of blades!' 15
11 cu cu or coooooooo cooooooooo lol 11
Is there a way to make Duel Weilding roxas's keyblades float?
Opps I dont know what you saw 6!
2 crap this is what sora says in RE COM
Here you go! 20
They said to continue it did the staff member did he not? 16
Me just preordered KH RE COM BABY! 13
okay makeing it happy now. 3 bbl
obv 4
It was Pure Sorrow ignore ignore ignore! 1