Random Leon Qoute: "Although we may never see each other again we'll never forget" 1
Why wont enemy riku die with the code I have?
Random Sora Qoute: "Whaattt!" 24
Miracles happen everyday, now its our turn. 21
Well get there today trust me. 19
Agreed it sucks in a boss battle.
230 you mean. 17
Buy the GBA game, it will be hard against marlusia or what ever, but It is a good game buy it.
what happened how did it get 300 hundered instead of four whats going on? 15
what happened how did it get 300 hundered instead of four whats going on. Random Sora Qoute: "How does THAT work?" 13
88 .
666 damn! 67
Stupid Meter ^^^ 65
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SU9KgNsIFg0&feature=related here janime.
o________o omg! 61
damn! 59
Hey Kiddies! Start from 1 again.
okay lets just call it post 300!
i saw it on a vid he said you could with a cheat device.