Oh my god, thats just disturbing. 14
100! Im 101!
96 .
Thats rude! 94
Me too 34
darn I wish some one knew. 32
30 When are they gonna release KH2 Final Mix in the usa.
lol that only worked once on you lol. Sorry lolermee. 28
Say it again Friendly Heartless again again again! 23 47
What did she say? 22
Emo_Bunny remember 20 43
Because it is good to. 18 42
yep 15 40
14 38 Ignore the staff ignore them!
Yeah Ill be adding more, its just a test right now. 12 37
oh 9 35 Could you look at this site I made, tell me if it is any good. http://h1.ripway.com/KingdomH/index.html
okay thanks.
yes yes yes! 7 33
okay lets do this now we count till a staff post, but count how many times till the staff quite posting, because we ignore them. 5
yeah that would be fun! 3