thx 4 the compliments!
can som1 answer my question plz
i will watch it but it will take a while it was kinda funny
am i allowed 2 pick a character that som1 already chose?
i cant belive that summer is ending 4 me!4 me school starts in 5 days! i hav 2 go 2 that stupid orientation 2morrow !!! i didnt go anywhere during the summer! *sigh* life sucks!
well hi! hope u enjoy it here!
euruka i think its a great picture(even though the left leg is poping out of nowhere)! but i seen all the things that u drew and u really improved thoughout the years!:) keep up the good work!
u think it looks a little like him! well its ur opinion thx 4 the compliment! thanks it took a while 2 draw
its no big deal if u spelled his name wrong... im just happy 2 hear wat ppl think of my fanart!!!
wow! ur right ~koneko~ now that u mention her left leg does look weird it looks like its coming out of nowhere! ill tell euruka7 right away!
yeah add me plz!:D
well..... i can be 1 of ur buddys!:D besides i only hav about 3 buddys so far... i want more buddys 2! *buddy's you* yay :cheers:
aww its so frickin cute! im sure ur friend will absolutly positivly luv it!!!
thanks it took me a long time (about 1hour & 30mins) just 2 get all the details in!
ok i drawn a picture of inuyasha last night and it looks just like him! i swear i didnt trace it...i just colored it, copied it onto my computer,and uploaded it onto photobucket! tell me wat u think of it i luv to hear wat other ppl think of my artwork.
i dont no wat the funniest thing i ever done is:sarcasm: i did alot of funny stuff! so wats the funniest thing u ever done?
welcome to khvids
well thats cool
no biggy...u probably didnt notice me cause i dont post a lot when im on:sweat: