really? thats awsome!
ok 1st of all i dont put teachers on my bad side just becuz they give me homework,cuz evry teacher gives u homework! and the only reason why i dont like them is becuz half my teachers r very stricked and even if u hav a little rip on a paper u took notes on they just make u redo the whole page on a new piece of paper... and the teacher that has cancer i dont really hate her and she didnt make my year worse! its just that when she told us my body went into shock 4 a moment, and then i fell into a deep depression cuz i felt so sorry 4 her but i feel better now cuz she said that shes getting better! so let me say this right now, excuse me 4 feeling sorry 4 my teacher!!! and just 2 let u no i did make new friends and i do hav friends! so stop being a *******! 1 more thing thx 4 the sympathy splitoverload, but i dont really need it coming from u
well i think i tryed saving a song 2 my music, but it said u need 2 buy it or somthing but i can try again, and if theres any more web sites i can try plz tell me!
well thx!!! i thought of another reason 2 hate school!!! my english class voted on names 2 name our period, and more than half the class voted on carebears!!!so were known as the carebears 4 the rest of the year!
thx 4 feeling my pain
ugh!!!!! i started school monday and during the 1st week of 7th grade i wanna kill myself! i hav a crap load of reasons why i want 2 kill myself! reason number one: all my teachers are a$$ wipes! reason number two: my language arts teacher has cancer! reason number three:my best friend doesnt hav any of my classes or lunch! the others i dont want 2 type cuz im very tired! is anyone back in school yet?
hell no! i already started school! i hate 7th grade
idk either!!! well i hope u hav fun in virginia!!! it was my b-day yesterday! but i didnt hav a party cuz i went 2 my friends b-day party and her b-day was on the 3rd! but i had a lot of fun at my friends!we made a video with that fabulous song from high school musical 2! toward the end of the song my friend got up on a glass table, posed a couple of times, and then.........*BANG!!! she falls right through the glass! all of the ppl who spent the night at the party scattered afterward and ran like there was no 2morrow! i was just sitting there video recording it!!! i didnt reallize that she fell untill like 20 sec. later! 1 of the girls told me that she fell and broke the glass! after she old me i said"OMG did the glass break!" i felt so ******ed!!! we watched the video all night! my friend that fell through the glass kept watching the part where she fell!!! she was laughing her butt off! we dicided 2 tell her mom about the incident 3 hours after it happened... she pinky promised that she wouldnt get mad... her mom was like omg the table! but she didnt get mad!!! if i were my friend my mom would go f****** crazy! srry about the long story! it was just si funny!!!
i think the 1st movie was better! the 2nd wasnt that great....*sigh* how dissapointing
yay!!!!! its finally here! my b-day! im so happy!!!! i get 100$ plus money from my 2 grandma's and friends! i think i'll put some of my money toward my fav brother's Wii savings.....we really want the Wii!
OMFG!!! i luv that song its so funny!!!
Nooooooo!!!!! Stop Masterbateing! Think Of The Kitty's! Save The Kittens!
well at least u get paid! i dont even hav a penny! but i will hav 150$ cause my B-day is on saturday! i finally get money!
i hav diamond but i dont no how 2 get wifi
ceiling kitty!!!
its cool!!!
i luv F.O.B! oh and ur video was great
id wanna look like kairi!!!
i would say kagome (inuyasha)
wow thats an awsome drawing! i really luv the eyes and hair cuz there detailed really good! so on a scale of 1 to 10 i would say its a 10!