i dnt really no y were not laughing
well i never really did participate either but i think i will this year cuz the prizes r a hell lot better!
i cant see ur face
7th grade why?
today my school got a packet with a booklet full of prizes and different types of magazenes that you can order..... we went 2 this assembely in the gym and they showed us all the prizes they were so cool! oh and this is called the magazene fundraiser, is anyone doing that?
who is the winner?
um that doesnt really answer my question
'Yo momma so fat you have to take a train and two buses to get on her good side' 'Yo momma so stupid that she tripped over a cordless phone' 'Yo momma so fat when she sat on a quarter a buger poped out of gorge washington's nose' 'Yo momma so ugly the government moved halloween to her birthday' 'Yo momma so stupid she tryed to put M&M's in alpibetical order' 'Yo momma so stupid she took a ruler to bed to see how long she slept' Yo momma so fat when her beeper goes off people thinks she's backing up' im the champion at school!
how would i record a song? i dont get it
i wont kill myself when i said that it was an expression
lol that was so funny i cant stop laughing!:laughing-smiley-004 but my bro was screaming to b funny hes 13 years old...but really thats one of the funnyest things i ever read! r u gonna make more?
wow!!! that looks exactly like him! its nice that there is another person i kinda no that is a great artist!
i no the feeling
well i think its good!
thx and cool! i mean i never really meet ppl who can draw real good so i think its pretty cool!
well school did get better all the teachers luv me! well not actually all of the about 2 or three...thats about half my teachers! so thats good but the bad part is that im being forced into taking pre-algebra...correct me if i spelled it wrong...but i can drop out if it gets 2 hard so thats a good thing
i actiually got her drawing on the net cuz she didnt no how 2 do it.....well i made a photobucket account and uploaded it onto the net...
"Bite my splintery wooden a$$" i think he said that in the episode where he became wooden!:)
thx 4 having a positive additude towards me..... well u will make friends in the university to!:) and good luck with ur year 2!:)
well i no that im not the only 1 who doesnt hav friends in their classes a bunch of ppl dont! but i feel much better when i blog things online..... oh and btw i live in (Longwood, Florida) why did u want 2 no where i live?