4 halloween? my friends are gonna b kikyo and shippo from inuyasha...... should i b kagome if we go 2gether
no! they dont no i have the avatar!(even though the computer is in my mothers room) and y does every1 assume thats y i got grounded! just drop it! well then if it scares the crap out of you the i guess i will keep it
well i can go on the computer but cant go 2 my friends house and play.....oh and i just figured out why i got grounded.the reasons: #1. i yelled #2. i was at a party all day!(which btw idk how thats a reason but thats wat my mom said) i 4got the other 2 reasons but thats kinda y
idk why i am
my bro keeps saying that its gonna b 4 the ps3...... is that true?
well........since me and my best friend r such great artists, we stsrted drawing cute little pictures with eachother hugging, posing, exc. we known eachother sice kindergarden (7 years) and never drawn a picture 4 eachother! so now we r makeing a scrap book full of pictures that we draw 4 each other........ do u think thats weird?
wow......that must suck. y dont u get new buddy's?
idk who the **** flyleaf is!
Yay! you win! now u pick a song!
um.......im a girl but nice guess:) hm..........ok i got one!............ 2007, MatchBox 20, How far we come. Waking up at the start of the end of the world, but its felling just like everyother morning before. Now i wonder what my life is gonna mean if its gone. the cars are moving like a half a mile an hour if that whats the next 2 lines ppl?
well........yeah! none so far this year but when i was in 6th grade, we sang a few disney songs...hm..............wat were they........oh yeah under the sea (little mermaid) ,chim chim chery(marry poppin's), and a few other ones that i cant remember.
yeah we deal with it evry day! my mom just said she hates living in this house.......................................................................................................................
oh now i get it! ok the next to lines i think are: were gonna relax and renew. you, go, do! am i right?
well my crazy bro is bi polar( correct me if i spelled it wrong) and we tried therapy and he screwed that over! we tried at least 5 theripist but crazy ruined it!
my 2 older brothers got in a fight and the crazy one started hitting my favorite brother with a broom!!! and now he wont stop crying!!!!! my nutcase brother does these things all the time and it scars the crap out of me!!!
oh!*blushes embarressed* srry then
hm.............. idk the next 2 lines.... but i do no a song 2007, Pink, Who knew if someone said 3 years from now. you'd be long gone. i'd stand up and punck them out! cuz their all wrong!
well if u dont no how then plz dont answer
nice picture