aw...thats a nice thing 2 do!
UM....DO U PPL GET IT! I DIDNT POST MY STORY YET! THAT WAS MY FRIENDS STORY! SHE SUCKS AT WRITING! i hav nothin better ta do so i might as well post wat i hav so far....but im warning u, its based on a dream i had after watching inuyasha! so inuyasha will b in it!
its true i showed it to two of my friends and they said it could b a book! i didnt write the whole thing but im getting there..... i showed my best friend and she hated it! my best friend dissed me! she said shes gonna write a story 10 times better than mine! i read wat she wrote so far and heres the introduction..... " i woke up. i got out of bed. went to the bathroom, then brushed my teeth..." do u think thats a good story! i dont its horrible! if u want i can post my story if some ppl want 2 read it
no **** dumbass
wats blargian?
well we were gonna tell we were leaving the store but we couldnt cuz my mom wass geting pissEd and us cuz we were screwing around in the store...... and i thought she was lonly yeah
i'd say im really good but i dont think im the best on the site
ok i was at winn-dixie on friday night with my 2 friends and this girl hope was there. my friend said 4 me 2 say hi hope even though i didnt no who she i said hi and hid from her next thing i no shes hugging me!..... then my friends said 2 hope "hey ya wanna play hide and seek" hope goes 'wats that?' shes our age and she doesnt no wat hide & seek is...we say its where we hide and u try and find us.... so we go hide on the other half of the store right? then hope stsrted counting and we just took our position, i turn around and shes right there! it scared the living **** out of me! then when we left wothout her noing we got in the car and we see her looking 4 us! me & my friends started cracking up! would u think that would b scary?
omfg!!! im failing math and geography!
thx 4 the cookie
my mom wouldnt give me a cookie
my mother was being a total ***** this morning and pushed me out of the car and said i had 2 walk 2 school! i had 2 walk 5 miles!
omg! it was ur birthday yesterday! sorry i didnt no! well happy birthday! *gives a kitty*
yo wats up peple's
hm... it depends r u on windia?
just wondering
i dont like scary things never did! i watched that find waldo video on youtube, and i thought it was stupid so i fast fowarded through half the video, and a scary face poped up! i screamed so loud that i stared laughing after and then showed it 2 my friend we both got scared and started hugging eachother while screaming!
ok i think ill b kagome then
thx 4 that=) u made me feel a whole lot better=) but my pusisment is gone 2morrow yay! well its their first time grounding someone
but ima girl?