FIRST OF ALL THAT WOULD BURN IM PRETTY SURE! and stardust i dont hav bandages.
wouldnt that burn? that would burn!
i think the bleeding is starting to stop........ oh wait its just slowing down....
I Just Cut Myself! The Bleeding Wont Stop! Its Been 15 Minutes! The Bleeding Wont Stop!its Getting On The Floor! My Mother Is Screaming At Me! My Clothes R Getting Bloody! Now Its Been 16 Minutes! It Still Didnt Stop! My Mom Is Still Screaming! Help Me!
hold on 1 minute thats wat it means! so idt its a curse word! kitty edit: Eh, how about no!
reallY? where'd ya hear this?
no offence but i think the head is a little 2 big.... that could use a tiny improvement the other stuff looks fine
500 pics????
the good news is "i just saved a ton of money by switching to GEICO! but the bad news is "my life sucks!"
no way u did that! thats better than the picture of inuyasha i did! i say u could make a calender if u set ur mind to it! and now i no that u draw really good!*i learn somethin new evry day dont i*
i would be kagome but shes taken so.... can i be kikyo?
i 4got how 2 do it but..... how do u change that headline under your name?
if u talking biut my folks my mom already nos..... but the hard part is saying i lost it to my dad .... i say this cuz i no my dad will hit me=(
thankz ims prouds of mes to
wells i only failing math cuz i waz in pre-algerbra but nows im ins starnderd maths!*yays mes*
we just gots our progress reports 2day and im failing geograghy & math!