yep! i hav a tv in mai room! actually there is a tv in evry room in my house lol mom found out bout my myspace so now i cant use the internet 4 1 hole month! i just sneaked online ta do dis.... well bye 4 now
oh! im really ******ed
when i post my number of posts dont go up.... it just stays at 131...... it seems like a stupid question to ask but im just wondering
2day it was my teachers b-day, he now is 61! 3 people brought in sweets 4 the whole class! evry1 got 2 cupcakes and brownies! they were homemade and so yummy!
wat? i am we todd it!
we todd it im we todd it i sofa king we todd it read
that would b so hard to do... even if i havnt already seen it i would still laugh my *** off!
y? and how would i get there?
lol! when i 1st saw this video i laughed so hard and then fell out of my chair flat on my face!... then i was crying & laughing
theres really nothin exciting in florida well i dont!
okay then....... im only 12 years old! y would i sneak out?
opps! srry i'v been really ******ed latly
s'cuse me????:yelling:
this is the funiest video i hav ever seen on utube! watch as this guy yells at his cat!lol
well its not that much of a grounding when ya think bout it
thats a long post!
i dont really no:nono:
yep im grounded again! thats y i havent been online 4 a few days.... this time its a good reason.... im getting a D in science.. but its not cuz im stupid i didnt feel like doing a project so it brought my grade down to a D! my f***ing teacher called my mother to tell her i didnt do it....... so im grounded for 5 days. its not so bad though, i still get to watch tv! oh... and i went to blockbuster to rent a few movies. um they were inuyasha movies 2 & 3. i already watched them now i got to watch them in japenese! they were so cute!
opps i put my threads in the rong section alot.......... btw kitty , i think ur avatar is so adorable!