Cloud's overall head needs imporvement. Find a picture of him and use it as referance to the get the proportions of his head and hair right. With Sephiroth, the hair looks fine to me, but the side view of his head could be shortened a little so it doesnt give him the appearance of a really long face. Again, find a picture of a side view and use it to help correct. The kingfisher looks good, but it could use some shading. The left side of its body can be darkened, then gradually getting lighter across the rest of the body, like a gradient. The feathers at the bottom could use a little more color, as could the beak. The background is good, I like the vine going around the bottom corner. Good job, keep working on them!
What position do you lie in? On my stomach on top of my pillow xD What kind of bed do you have, single or double? Single How many pillows? 2 Do you like to lie-in late? As much as I can Do you snore? No Do you dream? Not much =/ Do you wear pyjamas? Yes Do you sleep with teddy bears (you lame-asz)? No
O.o Wow...
........... Wow............
ABC Family. I think its channel 49.
...The scariest places on earth marathon today? Half of it seems fake but its entertaining O.o
Her face seems kind of wide, so slim it down like cocohints said. Her hair could use some more shading towards the top right area. Try adding a small amount of space between her two fingers that are closest to the right side of the papaer. Besides that its good :D
The head is a little wierd, but the rest looks great.
Welcome to Kh Vids! Have fun! If you need anything, PM me or anyone else here.
We used to. They got banned or something like that =/
BBS doesnt seem like it has anything to do with Disney worlds. But who knows, maybe it will.
^Thats true^
Kingdom Hearts would be too much if it added more companies. If Square ever did that, I dont think I'd play whatever games would come from all of those companies.
Both of you have inspired me to make a KH Vids shirt that says 'DEATHSPANK ATE MAH BBY!'
The detail on the clothing is great. The two things to focus on are his face, which seems a little off to the right, and his hair. It has alot of spikes instead of just a few big ones, so try looking at a picture of him to fix it. Great job otherwise :D
16. *cries*
Welcome to kh vids! Haave fun :D If you need help with anything, PM me or anyone else here.
Sea salt. Im serious. It beats vanilla or chocolate, which are my next 2 favorites ^.^
I agree with kikame. I'd say they eat sea salt ice cream :D
Its completely worth getting. It probably is the best game out of all 3.