Welcome to kh vids! Have fun :D
I agree. I think BBS is 10 years before KH1, but Im not sure.
Welcome to kh vids! Have fub :D If you need anything, PM me or anyone else here.
Its happened to me. Guys really are clueless xD I think that sometimes they notice 'hints', but if they arent interested they just ignore them =/
I listen to something sad, no specifics.
.................. Wow.....
Its cute! His hair needs some fixing, but its nice otherwise :D
Heres mine: http://sonicdistortion.deviantart.com/art/Sora-sketch-64796997
I only like one of thier songs xD, 'Fix You'.
I think its a good idea. There have been alot of poems lately, they should get thier own section.
Thats true. Unless you plan on coming back, dont do anything like kissing her.
Hmmm.... Maybe 'Kingdom Hearts is light'? Lol that sounds kinda corny though.
I agree with darkcloud. Its really nice that you wanna do that and all, but if she doesnt like you as much as you like her, it could cause problems =/
Lol, its cute! Did you make it on paint?
Thas a really interesting theory. I havent thought of anything yet =/ When I do I'll post it.
Agh!!! Its A Nose!!!!!!!!!
Sorry if this sounds mean or rude.... Prove it. And what type of an adult says 'Sticks tounge out'?
Ummm.....Seriously, this isnt fooling anyone.
lulz How many accounts is this now?
I heard one of thier songs that I really liked, but I cant remember the name =/