I dont really have anyone =/ But I have leik 5 friends on the forum.
Roxas and Ven are an exact match. Aqua doesnt look like Namine. And Namine looks like Kairi except for hair and build differences.
Welcome to kh vids! Have fun. There are lots of great people here, Im sure you'll make friends :D
^what they said^
Come back soon :D You'll be missed.
Lulz xD I need to think of a good one...
I would use it to do stuff and mess around with. And permanatly lock my sister in her room :) I have a life size keyblade too :D
:crybaby: Seems that your mind is made up. But I'm sure there are people here that'll miss you... I like your avvy by the way :) Well then...see ya...
Good thing I took all the old procelain dools out of my room a few years ago... Evrythings fine except for the hands. The left one looks awkward. The knife should be pointing down a little more too.
^what he said^
2) I want some sea salt ice cream