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Im basing this on where I live so I'd say the Super Bug, since many people in my town have it. Cancer and AIDS are serious too, but not many people that are here have it. Bird flu isnt a big risk since we dont have many migrating birds here. As for Maleria, I have no idea what risk Im at.
Its cute! I'd like to see it colored :D
I like it! I want an ebil Sora kitty. That made me lol
Amazing. You are just about the best artist Ive seen on this site at drawing. I ant skills like yours.
Theyre not bad! The one of Jason creeps me out lol. The only thing I'd fix is the elf persons neck, its seems too wide.
Mines kinda obvious- Kairi is my favorite female game character.
Lol. The author herself said he was gay.
Its fake. /fil./
Lol. What did you color it on?
It depends on what heartless she's fighting.
There have been too many threads about this. Use search next time.
wear his tutu
Its good, but her hair needs some fixing on the shape an her ear looks too small. Try drawing those things from a picture of her.
Ate /fil./
Turned /fil./
poodles /fillerz/ And a photo to go with it:;_ylt=AppsbtUUiCGb8vLiuhE6hIpH2ocA
Riding the skateboard in Twilight Town. And jumping on the trolley. Anything to get away from Donald and Goofy xD
1. Hannah Montana- Miley Cyrus cant act 2. Wayside- One of those s***** new cartoons that make no sense. 3. Anything on Disney Channel 4. Anything on Nickelodeon 5. All the new cartoons on Cartoon Network