This or this Spoiler My last name is Beetles :p
Can't believe how fast this year's gone...
Noticing there's only 2 'worst' Put all of the best as worst also :3
Avvy: 7/10 Sig: 5/10
My profile pic in censored :3
If you have a photographic memory, just remember which one was A, then remove one of the others.
What's goin on in here? greenbounce
If I had a karaoke machine at my house, I'd attempt to vid my singing...
This thread's dead.
Avvy: 7.5/10 Sig: 6/10 for JPEG quality D=
... *nom*
You appear to be offline.... *removes alphabet soup*
It's yummy
*adds a 3rd tag* I got myself a Twitter button! Edit: Twitter button isn't working the way it's supposed to D= *removes*
I have a Walkman....
Avvy: 6/10 Sig: 8/10 Seems juicier than before. Either that, or I'm tired...
NEW PAGE!!! *sleeps*
Get some life in here...
That explains why I couldn't upload anything last week. Thanks for that Toshi :3 Hope the user portal's back up and running soon, I wanna upload some vids x3
Avvy: 6/10 Sig: 7/10 Juicy :3