WGWBS: uhhhh..................Hi.
once we had fel, i scraped my right cheek on the concrete, her father had his pocket-knife ut and ready to stab me."Get off!He'll kill us both if you don't--get--OFF!!!" I yelled as I pushed him off and got in Cloud's fighting stance. (heck yeah!)
GWBS:*ish scared in the small, cold world* ...
ooc: maannn, i miss all the fun!! >x> bic: I saw what had happened, I had saw her father running...I was so angery, my eyes turned dark red, my katana turned into something..well...something like Cloud's in FFVII:AC. Christian started running."No one's gonna hurt her!you're dead!!" I yelled as I had ran faster than before.
I kept a sharp mind, one sense and i would be running to the front office, katana in hand.
"oh...a-alright." I had said to myself.
"...What'll he do?" Christian asked.
"He can't kill you, I can somehow feel when youre in trouble, if he lays a single hand on you, I'll be there in a heart-beat." I said in a soft, loving voice.
I could see right through her fake smile "Are you alright?What did you get on your test?" I asked. "You-you really think i did good?" I asked.
Christian started to play freely, all his classmates watching, even the teacher was amazed at how well he could play, he played Helena, The Ghost of you, and even the metal part of the Trans-Siberian orchestra's "Carol of the Bells" symphony. "Very good, Christian," his teacher said. "Tha--!!" the bell had rang.
"oh...darn, i thought your biology was after our free period...drat, uhhh...try to review everything in your mind, cuz theres only one min till our classes!!" Christian said, "I'll see u later!!"
I hugged back and saw her drooped head "I'll help you study, if im not late for strings...whats your free period again? i kinda forgot...e heh heh..." he said, smiling and scrathing his head.
ooc: YAY!!! u sneaked on, right? bic: Christian came to school with a smile on his face for once, his guitar case in hand, no necklace in his pocket to be found, indeed, he found 'the one' or in this case, is Nicole. Christian saw Nicole walking by, and he rushed to her "Hey! What's up?" he asked enthusiastically just like he had before.
PM me please.
uhhh...you have to teach me how you do your sigs, and give me the brushes and texts that you have, but yeah, ill work with you like old times, besides, i have a few new texts!! :x^D
OH!! does anyone wants a siggeh? template: username in sig?: (yes or no) text: colors: render/stock: (go to http://www.planetrenders.net or another render website)
O,O y-you killed her?! YOURE DEAD!!! *goes guardian* BOND OF FLAMES!!!! *burns u to a pile of ashes then goes Angel and casts a spell on penguin and onee to revive them both*
"How can we do this...manipulating Sora again, like our ancestors?" Lexich asked Raxen.
ooc: meh bad ehhehheh