What I had really been crying about was that my whole family had been murdered, and I had just got notice."yeah, ill be alright, i just received notice that my whole family has been murdered." I said as I got up and kissed Nicole back. ooc: you sneek on again, Rikus fangirl?
"I'm fine!" I looked up, and my eyes were yellow, that meant I was jealous.
Christian had heard this, then yelled in a sad, but angery voice, "Why do u always look down on me?!i was only kidding before!so just shut up!!Im not gonna tell anyone!!"
the tear had turned to tear-S, I was crying so hard, my bangs were wet, I was holding his necklace, grasping it, and gritting my teeth so hard, all of my teeth were so sharp, if I had bitten you, you would've bled.
"where the heck are those two?!" he asked himself as he ran to the art room and noticed the two, his eyes widened, then he ran out with a frown, his head hanging."We aren't dating...I haven't even kissed her yet, shes...only kissed me..." Christian said as a tear came down.
"Well, shes nowhere to be found..."I said as i slumped to the floor against a wall...
photobucket... this is meh last day here for three weeks.
Christian stood there, like a statue, for someone to talk to him."...im bored, wonder what Nicole's up too..." he said.
hi peoples...*cries*
The bell had finally rang, " Thank god im out of that darned class, NOW ITS FREE PERIOD!!!!" Christian yelled.
Yay!!!!im Not Forgotten!!!!
"okay!okay, im sorry!" Christian said shivering, his eyes growing red.
"okay, okay, im sorry! God..."
Christian's head exploded from all the laughter, with blood going everywhere.
"HA!I KNEW IT!!!HECK YEAH!!I WAS RIGHT!!w00t!!!" Christian said from afar rofling.
Christian could easily over-hear things, so he then said, "model? man, I thought you were gonna ask her out, and thank you, Jules for thinking that we look cute together,"
bye every peoples!!! *hugs* dont forget me, now, okay? I wont get eaten >x>
"he held a pocket knife to her neck, then threw it at my neck...i think...its hard to remember..." I said.
is it really that little?
...I'll be in Ohio, then New York, don't ask me to have fun, please. ill miss everyone, even my enemies, so, say 'bye-bye' to iC for three weeks... .