OOC: --.-- no, I got that from loveless...(sachastic) BIC: "at least hes de...!!" two gunshots came from nowhere, one in the back, and one on the shoulder, it wasn't lethle,but he had only lost conciousness. "tisk,tisk, little brother..." my older brother said.
"yeah and yeah." I said "my older brother did it...because he didn't like his last name."
"The murderer..."I said drowsly, as if I were drunken, "...he attacked me...almost killed me...," I continued, "...he had a gun, and shot my...shoulder...," I continued getting a stronger voice, "luckily, I jumped out of his next bullet, he shot me in the leg and arm after that...then I stabbed through his leg, but he pulled a knife, and..." he lifted his neck,"That's what happened, but then I grabbed the knife, and threw it at his fore head, and hit the target...then I cut it off, that's why I'm so bloody..."
When I woke up, I was still bloody on my face, because the nurse knew I liked to clean my own blood, "wh-where am I?" I asked in a curious voice. "The murderer!" I said as I suddenly jumped out of the bed, and grabbed the katana, then fell right back down.
"I-I'm fine," I said as I was barely walking, my bloody katana in hand, I finally fell down, out cold.
im thinkin the storys about...a double keyblade knight!
ohio, then NY...ill be 30 min away from canada when im in NY...
im good, except im leavin for three weeks TODAY!!! T.T
I had come to school, bloodied and all, the murderer tried to kill me, but I killed him first, I had blood everywhere, my face had blood streaming as if I was crying blood. ooc: got notice that im leavin this after-noon!!!w00t!!!
emo hair? you could: grow bangs over your eyes, dye hair black, cry a lot.
HI EVERYPEOPLES!!!!whats up?!!?
all right, ill get to it... http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u203/Itachi_642/newsigforachel.jpg[*/IMG] hows that?
im gonna miss you too, and all my other friends!
"guys, come here, she needs us, all of us." I said looking into Nicole's eyes.
"h-huh?" I ran after her past the screaming "fans" i guess you could say...and past everyone else, my guitar slung over my back and suddenly vanished, then appeared in front of Nicole, "What's wrong?" I asked.
"thank you," I said as I pulled the black guitar out and I got my pick and played "famous last words" "I am not afraid to keep on living, I am not afraid to walk this world alone but honey if you stay I'll be forgiven, and nothin you can say will keep me goin home," I sang to Nicole, but many people gathered near us, just to listen to my song. "heh," I mumbled as I slung the guitar over my back , then I kissed Nicole on the lips, once I broke it, I finally said, "anyone with a request?"
"Th-thanks...I needed that. can you please go get my guitar? u know the combination, right?" I said knowing I told her the combination.
"Thanks, but no thanks...I want to die, life is hardly worth living now," a voice came out of nowhere.(mine)
"No, you don't get it, my WHOLE family, everyone, has been murdered."As I got my hair out of my eyes, then I wiped my tears, and put my books up and walked away to my secret place, only Nicole knew about it.