u like the Sinnoh, huh? lol
yeah, i have mine already!^x^ all meh badges! man, no ones posting!!! -.-
hi everypeoples!!!! he said 'that is a very good idea'....ANYONE LIKE 'A Series of Unfortunate Events'?!?!?
I sighed, "i dont know where you can live...i dont think you'd wanna live at my house, and other than that, I just don't know..." I said.
*gets a katana out and glares* ...*runs after him*
I DONT KNOW!!!! XD O,O" i think shes gone...
the hedgehog, please and thankies! ^x^ WHAT UP PEOPLES!!!?!?!?!
"please, i would like that," I said. ooc: hi!!!how was the Y?
the family's screwed, i HATE it.(kadaj fam)
im ticked at the council because they didnt wait for me in the elections!and there are too many darn rules!>x< i hate it!
oh....sorry! *ish angery*
"fine, ill quit," I said.
you have other best friends, me hisnobody, khchick, iP(i think) and others...
Riku came over to Sai'x and Demyx, "yo," he said.
hi, uhhhhhh....my name will be......uhhhhhhhhhh.....*thinks* | (<- steam) -.- the final guardian! ^x^ and i want meh partner to be Shadow if it aint already taken...
OxO'' i go to the arena sometimes too!
nuthing *glares*
(seriously...XD) im good!!u?(same here.)
hi peoples
"no, it isnt nothing, what's wrong?" I said, hugging her.