(there are other things that need to be done....)
*bows, then smiles* im glad you could come! ha ha oh, meh bad. we ready to start?!
*ish in a black tux* glad to see you, love.
we did, we planned it a few days ago...
whenever the bride gets here....
unless they were planned this month.
everyone's invited to meh wedding right here!!! http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?p=395034#post395034
eh, everyone is invited to me and Rikus#1Fangirl's wedding! ^x^
(yes this was planned this month, admins) YAY!!!!! bride: Riku's #1 Fangirl priest: Kairi_li93 groom: iChristian ring bearer: Demonslayer_Kyle Flower Girl: HisNobody
"OK, that's cool," I said smiling, my bloodied clothes whirling.
you may shut up now, you ticked me to the edge, later. *slams the door behind me*
-.- and I would soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo want to leave if the stupid council makes more goddam* rules!!!
I call Sasuke, no doubt!!!! mmmmmmmmmmmaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyybbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee........im ticked off at the family, i mean the council, and im thinkin about leavin.
hi peoples.....
i agree with that lol, jke, khchick, you kick a** in graphix! ^x^ im almost as good as u!
u need to put what colors you want too...
awesome, i dont have a DS, sadly....T.T
vid name: The World That Never Was: pt 1 scene:when roxas and Sora clash in the air, the time is 24:06 (counting down) to 23:57 on the kh-vid of it. size: small (as in avi) 100x100
how'd you get all three starter poke'mon?someone trade with u?
that's a pretty good sig, u use GIMP, right?