Tell me about it.
He had a bonus point opportunity, but he never said anything in class about it.
Yeah...hopefully he'll give us more points, the conservation majors seem to be having a tough time, too.
*shrugs* I'm feeling a little better, but my situation hasn't really changed. Found out something that made me feel a smidge better: The class...
It's okay *huggles*
It was okay. Yours?
Hey, I'm back.
Just the usual stuff. I've gtg, need to get to class. I'll talk to you at around 10-ish. Bye bye.
Hoorah for that. Expecting anything to happen, today?
Another regular weekend, huh?
How was your weekend?
I'm a little numb about the situation. Better than feeling bad, I guess.
Hey. Morning.
Yeah Goodnight
Yeah...I'm fixing to go to bed, soon...I'm getting tired.
I'll take your word for it.
That's good...I think :-/
Yeah, that's never fun.
Ah. I take it that means no plans...
Uh huh. What's your day look like tomorrow?