Do you think she'd approve?
Ah...hey, does she know about me?
I'm still confused. What is it your family's dragging you towards?
lol yeah, maybe. Wait, over where?
*huggles* Well, in roughly a half hour or so, you'll be done, and then we can talk X3
Hey, you have school. It's kind of expected for you to be busy XD <3
Muahahahaha I sneak on X3
Yeah, really. *huggles back* Well, I'm off to lunch. I'll ttyl.
I'm okay X3 just making some notecards for a test I've got next Wednesday. I'm going to mainly be studying developmental biology and botany...
Ok *nuzzles softly* I understand. X3
lol it's okay XD *huggles* btw, you never answered my last pm :-/ just pointing that out (I know you can't answer right now and such)
You said "Nah, I'll live, *yawns* ugg" twice! O.o
Ok. So, anything going to happen, today?
I sowie. Can I helpies?
Oh...well, I take that back, then.
Okay, shake it off *huggles* it's his problem, not yours. K? X3
Did any of the students act up, or constantly do things in particular to the sub?
What'd he do, exactly?
Are you okay?