lol good luck XD
lol cousins tend to do that XD
lol such love you two have for each other...XD
*cuddles softly* Ah, alone at last <3 lol
Alright, I'm back.
I'll brb, need to get some food. Be back in 15 minutes.
I'll get the fuse...X3
What's your method: Matches, gasoline and spark, or blowtorch? XD
Ah, I take that back, then. When you put the "wedgie" comment, I figured he was one of your more...questionable relatives.
Ah, I see. The kind you'd like to set on fire...I see how it is. >3
Ah, okay. So what's cousin Michael like? XD
Agrees on what?
I'm sorry...
Does she like anybody?
I hear you, but after all that's happened, I don't see how she would like me
Yeah, I can't say I blame her, there... (Ah, I see.)
I know, but still. (Do you want to go to pm, or is something up?)
*shrugs* not really; just that it would stink if your grandma hated me, along with your mom.
...*nods* Ok
Ah...I see...