...how much sugar have you had today?
lol sorry, but I can't help it XD
Ah. No, I haven't heard of it, and I can't right now, due to my bad connection.
I've never played it (sorry I'm taking so long; bad connection)
Huh...so that's what the joke means. :/
Don't look at me; my subject is science, not math :c
Yup, just a bit XD
Ah. Well, there's a Namine/Roxas version lol
have you seen the Roxas and Namine version?
It looks very nice :)
You're supposed to have a severe thunderstorm tonight, so I wouldn't be surprised if you aren't able to stay on.
Is there a problem?
Don't worry if you're not on before 8. I'll find a way to keep occupied.
*huggles back* I'll try and make time for you later tonight, before 4 if I can, also. Bye bye XD
lol I'll have to leave soon; I'm packing up to go home.
So am I, but I need to take a shower real quick. brb
It's ok. I'm about to go do a workout. I'll try and get on again when I run. Bye.
Hey, I gtg, lunch. Bye for now.
lol sure it is XP I gtg, lunch. Ttyl