mean while with zozo in the town. he got a few items and got some wepons
what has happen so far
zozo:"i need to do something."then zozo left the war site and went to a nearby town
mean while with zozo he was losing his fight so he let him self go to darkness telling him self light was weak. and after he was in darkness he killed zexion and he came back to the war site
zozo:"well i must be on my way i got a meeting zexion."then zozo made a portal and left
occ:his name is zozo zozo:"ok".
zozo:"nuthura if u dont mind ill like to teach him some dark magic.and only one"
zozo:"that is true but have u learnded a few dark arts"?
zozo:"sorry im late i got lost agian"
what happen while i was gone
mean while zozo walked threw the portal that nuthura made
zozo:"wait for me.sorry about me being gone i Kinda got lost.":o
zozo:"but the people have been takin to darkness he wont kill him but only control them as a puppet"
zozo:"i see u havent met hem"
zozo:"zeo is right about that.we still have to watch out for zarlock.if we dont he could make one of us his puppet
zozo:"we dont wont to kill him we just wont to make him talk"
zozo:"nuthura its ur choice should we go after mixt?"
zozo:"hello every one"
"i hop kari ok since we left her at hallow bastion." thought zozo
zozo smiles back